On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Amos Jeffries <squid3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > The headers are concatenated and processed first-to-last. > > "Cache-Control: private" being last on that list overrides "Cache-Control: > public" earlier on. > > "Private" replies cannot be cached and that object will be discarded on > completion of its fetch. > > As you can see from the snippet of store.log RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE ... > of all those CSS, JS, GIF and JPEG objects which have no sensible reason to > be dropped. > > > SOLUTION: > find the part of IIS or the web scripts which is adding that "private" and > turn it off. > Thanks Amos, I must have been a bit dense before when you replied I didn't take your meaning correctly. I had tried turning it off using an MS script but .Net works ignores IIS's settings. Getting someone I know who was experience with .Net to change it to public cache-control now. I will let you know how I go.