On Mon, 11 Apr 2011 15:29:56 -0700, MargaretGillon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Last year with the list's help I configured squid as a proxy server
Ubuntu 10.4 using a white list. Below is the site with my final
The Ubuntu Server had an Apache Tomcat web server on it that we were
using yet. It seems the Squid has disabled it. Is it possible to run
on the same server? I have crawled the archives but do not see any
reference to this specific issue. Right now the Squid and the Apache
are for the LAN only with no external access planned in the near
The config you have in that old thread for Squid has no relation or
interaction with Apache OR tomcat.
When I run the tomcat test http://localhost/
the error message is
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost.
As it says, Firefox cannot connect to Tomcat running on the same
machine as *firefox*.
Test using http://example.com/ where "example.com" is the FQDN hostname
of the box where Tomcat is running. That way firefox will either connect
to the right machine, or instruct Squid to do so properly.