> The idea of real negotiation is on the wishlist but none of us have > time or equipment to implement and test it. > If you want to add this feature, please join the squid-dev team > http://wiki.squid-cache.org/DeveloperResources#Contributing_.28Code_developer.29 > > (Don't be afraid of C++, the relevant WCCP code is still almost pure > C). > > Amos Hi Amos, many thanks for your quick answer. Well I've got the equipement and time to test here, but unfortunatly I think I'm nt enought skilled on C++/C developpement to help you on this side. Actually I'm developping with C++ since only 2 months ago ;) But, if someone which have time, want to test his WCCPv2 Improvement code on my equipement, no problems ;) GaÃl.