On 22/03/2011 16:40, N3O wrote:
Can't you just check the squid logs to see they are both receiving and processing requests?? I have a load balanced pair of squids, I know the load balancing is working because I didn't set the acls right during initial set up and I saw responses from different hostnames.is it possible to get squid to write its IP as a response header?? i'm using a two node caching layer with a load balancer between them, and my idea is to confirm that both squids and if the load balancer is distributing requests. Any idea how to implement this on squid?? Greetings
-- Best Regards, Giles Coochey NetSecSpec Ltd NL T-Systems Mobile: +31 681 265 086 NL Mobile: +31 626 508 131 GIB Mobile: +350 5401 6693 Email/MSN/Live Messenger: giles@xxxxxxxxxxx Skype: gilescoochey
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