When I combine the 2 config files and only have 1 instance of squid running it is almost instantaneous. I also tried just switching/swapping my squid.conf for squid-auth.conf (to test just the auth part).... and it is almost instantaneous too. DansGuardian is very extensive web filter: It can filter on content, PICS group, etc. The normal setup is to have DansGuardian -> Squid (Proxy) .... but DansGuardian does not have kerberos authentication.... so basically you setup another Squid (auth only) in front of DG, pass the username to DG.... and viola I should have kerberos authentication with DansGuardian (the username is being passed to DG). So basically thats what I am trying to accomplish. Squid is version Version 3.0.STABLE19 DansGuardian is Version DansGuardian One thing I have noticed is that even when things start not performing well (If I connect directly to squid:3128 e.g. proxy, it still performs but DansGuardian:8080 and squid:3030 e.g. auth don't). Thanks for your help! -- View this message in context: http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/Squid-DG-Sandwich-Squid3-auth-DansGuardian-Squid3-proxy-tp3311884p3323167.html Sent from the Squid - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.