is there anything you can get using these settings?
have you tried using the squid mahcine on non transparent mode?
On 17/02/2011 17:07, Harald Dunkel wrote:
Hi Jeff,
On 02/17/11 14:24, jeffrey j donovan wrote:
im assuming your using ipfw on BSD, what does your redirect statement look like ?
OpenBSD comes with Packet Filter instead of ipfw. Here is
the pf code:
match out on $ext_if inet nat-to ($ext_if:0)
pass in quick on internal proto tcp from $int_squid_host to !$lan port $http_port tag LAN_INET
pass in quick on internal proto tcp from $lan to !$lan port $http_port route-to ( $int_if $int_squid_host ) tag HTTP_SQUID
pass out on external tagged LAN_INET
pass out on internal tagged HTTP_SQUID
Surely much more code than in your ipfw example.