Dear all, I have a working install of Squid 3.1.7 with Squirm 1.0-BetaB, which provides URL rewriting. The Squid proxy is used in a school environment and we'd like to use Squirm to block adult-oriented search results. So far, the only search engine I discovered doing that is Google, which can be set to SafeSearch by appending `&safe=active' to the search URL. Other search engines like Yahoo!Search, Bing, Altavista, and Ask seem to provide SafeSearch just as a client-enabled setting (which is not only impossible to manage in a centralized way, but can also easily be bypassed by the user). Anyone of you has successfully managed to use Squid+Squirm to enforce SafeSearch, and/or happen to know the URL parameters for other search engines? Thanks in advance, Leonardo