Hi, I am using squid to front two yum servers as a reverse-proxy. Both yum servers are essentially the same. I would like to load balance between the two and have some kind of redundancy failover. Config follows, but I think I am mis-understanding the idea of round-robin and how it relates to defaultsite. In this setup, the request always goes to defaultsite. Links to docs and sample configs greatly appreciated. What is the correct way to load balance these two devices? What am I missing? cache_dir ufs /squid 20000 16 256 http_port 80 accel defaultsite=yum-slave-01 cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query round-robin name=yum1 acl yum1_sites dstdomain yum-slave-01 cache_peer_access yum1 allow yum1_sites cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query round-robin name=yum2 acl yum2_sites dstdomain yum-slave-02 cache_peer_access yum2 allow yum2_sites -- Regs -Dean