A few comments inline with your text...
On 15/01/11 09:29, Dean Weimer wrote:
I am struggling with a setup where I am adding a parent web server behind my reverse proxy that has multiple ssl sites running under the same name but on different ports. The site on the default port 443 works, but I can't get it to forward to the parent on the second site running on port 444. The server is already running several ssl sites on 443 using a UCC SSL cert with subject alternative names
Here are the relevant parts of the setup:
https_port accel cert=/usr/local/squid/etc/certs/server.crt key=/usr/local/squid/etc/certs/server.key defaultsite=www.mydomain.com vhost options=NO_SSLv2 cipher=ALL:!aNULL:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXP:!ADH:!RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:!SSLv2
https_port accel cert=/usr/local/squid/etc/certs/server.crt key=/usr/local/squid/etc/certs/server.key defaultsite=secure.mydomain.com:444 vhost options=NO_SSLv2 cipher=ALL:!aNULL:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXP:!ADH:!RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:!SSLv2
acl ssl_secure proto HTTPS
acl securesite444 url_regex -i ^https://secure.mydomain.com:444/
acl securesite url_regex -i ^https://secure.mydomain.com/
To do this I would add a name= option to http_port for 444 and an ACL
that tested for it on traffic.
Alternatively you may be able to use the port ACL. (*NOT* the myport one)
acl securesite dstdomain secure.mydomain.com
acl port444 port 444
http_port ... name=444
acl port444 portname 444
acl securesite dstdomain secure.mydomain.com
acl parentserver dst
http_access deny securesite444 !ssl_secure
http_access allow securesite444 ssl_secure
http_access deny securesite !ssl_secure
http_access allow securesite ssl_secure
http_access allow parentserver ssl_secure
http_access deny ssl_secure
Bit faster config that will save you four slow regex matches:
# if it is not HTTPS reject
http_access deny !ssl_secure
# if it is destined to the local domain or to the local server allow
http_access allow securesite
http_access allow parentserver
http_access deny all
NP: this relies on all your traffic being HTTPS and that http_access
does not care about the port. In your stated config only the peer
selection cares about the port.
cache_peer parent 444 0 ssl no-query originserver name=parent444 sslcapath=/usr/local/share/certs sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER
cache_peer_domain parent444 secure.mydomain.com
cache_peer_access parent444 allow securesite444 ssl_secure
cache_peer parent 443 0 ssl no-query originserver name=parent sslcapath=/usr/local/share/certs sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER
cache_peer_domain parent secure.mydomain.com
cache_peer_access parent allow securesite ssl_secure
Use either cache_peer_domain OR cache_peer_access not both.
With the above suggestions these would become:
cache_peer_access parent444 allow port444 securesite
cache_peer_access parent444 deny all
cache_peer_access parent allow !port444
cache_peer_access parent deny all
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.10
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