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RE: Allow untrusted ssl connections

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And just to eliminate another suspect, I completely disabled iptables for a
short while and it didn't seem to make any difference.  Accessing any https
port other than 80 failed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 10:13 AM
To: Charles Roper
Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

So, is the Squid Box receiving the connections, and listed in it's cache.log
or access.log?

Can you verify that the PuTTy / Tunnel configuration is correct, and see if
there are any problems with that?

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> "Charles Roper" <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/30/2010 12:45 PM >>>
I am no longer using OpenSSH/SpoonProxy - that was just an example of what I
was using before I switched to Squid ... when I wasn't having problems
accessing untrusted ssl connections.

These two rules are in my iptables
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m tcp -p
tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state
NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT

I'm using port 8080 for squid, but added the default just to see if it made
a difference.

- The machine running Squid is Linux-based, using CentOS, AND on a separate
box as your Windows Machine?
Linux with CentOS, yes, and I'm accessing that box remotely from a WinXP
client box (using Putty). Those are the only two computers involved here.
The old SpoonProxy server is not in the equation any more.

- The Squid Machine does not have any IP Tables / IP Chains configured,
IP Table rules have been added for Squid ... see above.

- Your LAN is behind some type of broadband connection / router / wireless
Both the Squid box and the WinXP client are on broadband connections
- no wireless involved.

- According to reading the link below, I assume you are referring to OpenSSH
as being installed on your Windows Machine (OpenSSH in my own terminology
refers to OpenSSH on the Linux Box)?
Yes, the old SpoonProxy server utilized OpenSSH (for windows), but that is
irrelevant now. (

- SSH Tunnel for Squid *ONLY* works when using PuTTy when connected to local
OpenSSH, via authentication FROM the local machine?
I don't fully understand the question - I'm not using OpenSSH for Windows
anymore (again, that is an old box). Just using putty to remote into the
CentOS box via SSH.

- You can create "SSH Tunnels" using Linux, see "stunnel", and using Squid,
you can configure the port for HTTPS using an SSL certificate.
I'll have to read up on that, but I'd think we could get this to work with
Squid/Putty because it worked on a Windows box that was supposedly just
emulating that process.

- The Traffic Flow in question goes in this logical PATH below:
Secure SSH connection initiated over broadband connection from Laptop (on
the road) to CentOS box at home running Squid (yes, this goes through two
routers, both configured properly to allow SSH traffic) Laptop Firefox
requests --> Firefox configured to send all traffic to
localhost:80 --> Putty is configured to redirect all
traffic to SSH-connection:8080 --> traffic sent securely through SSH from
Laptop to CentOS box over broadband connection --> traffic received on port
8080 on CentOS box and passes on to Squid to deal with

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 9:22 AM
To: Charles Roper
Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

Okay, well the reasons for this is your own, but I'm simply trying to see if
the Squid itself works for something as simple as, unless you are
only trying to use it for a specific task.

Now after this, I have questions concerning your network setup / arrangement
/ configuration.

- The machine running Squid is Linux-based, using CentOS, AND on a separate
box as your Windows Machine?
- The Squid Machine does not have any IP Tables / IP Chains configured,
- Your LAN is behind some type of broadband connection / router / wireless
- According to reading the link below, I assume you are referring to OpenSSH
as being installed on your Windows Machine (OpenSSH in my own terminology
refers to OpenSSH on the Linux Box)?
- SSH Tunnel for Squid *ONLY* works when using PuTTy when connected to local
OpenSSH, via authentication FROM the local machine?
- You can create "SSH Tunnels" using Linux, see "stunnel", and using Squid,
you can configure the port for HTTPS using an SSL certificate.
- The Traffic Flow in question goes in this logical PATH below:

(Browser Request) -> (Proxy configuration localhost:80 for all ports
(PuTTy into localhost via authentication, opens port 80) ->
(localhost:80 is the SSH Tunnel (Secured))
(localhost:80 SSH Tunnel forwards all Proxy-Traffic to port 8080 on Linux
Box) -> (Squid (Unsecured)) (Squid (Unsecured)) -> (Network Router) ->
(Broadband Connection) ->
(Internet) -> (Destination Site)

Somewhat Correct?

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> "Charles Roper" <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/30/2010 11:33 AM >>>
As I said earlier, I am remoting into my squid server via SSH (putty).

do not want a system wide proxy setting. I just want proxied traffic in
Firefox ... my other browsers should not be proxied.

To explain a little better, here is the tutorial followed for
It worked great, but I think squid proxy will be faster, once I get it
working properly.

Regarding the ports. All port 80 traffic in firefox is redirected over the
SSH connection to my squid box's port 8080, for squid to deal with.

I'm not on the local network, so I'm positive that setting
would not work.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 8:26 AM
To: Charles Roper
Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

I believe I see your problem in the picture.  According to it, your Firefox
is configured for localhost:80 as the Proxy.

First of all, I am not sure why you are using port 80, or 8080 with an
stunnel on a small Private LAN, where all you should need to configure Squid
on a port (8080 in this case), and point your Browser's configuration to
that IP / Port, such as, port 8080 for all protocols, or
alternatively, you should configure Firefox to use "System proxy settings",
and then configure Internet Explorer for the proxy server, which configures
all *system* proxy settings, for things including your IM clients, etc.

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> "Charles Roper" <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/30/2010 11:13 AM >>>
Yes, I believe browser is configured properly: 

As I stated earlier, I've been using OpenSSH + SpoonProxy on a WinXP box for
years with no trouble.

It's almost as if it's not picking up on the acl safe_ports because I'm also
not able to use AIM over the proxy .... which needs port 5900. I've added
"5900" to the acl safe ports and still can't connect via aim.

However, if that were the case, you'd think Firefox would report that the
proxy server was refusing connections ... instead of just saying it's taking
too long to respond: (error seen when trying
to visit https://x.x.x.x:2087/)

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:00 AM
To: Charles Roper
Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

Are you able to access any other sites via the proxy, or is this the only

Also, I am assuming that you have configured your browser?

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> "Charles Roper" <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/29/2010 5:30 PM >>>
Now commenting SSL_ports isn't fixing the issue. Perhaps I mistakenly
reported it successful yesterday? 

Still getting this error when trying to access https://x.x.x.x:2087 

The connection has timed out
The server at x.x.x.x is taking too long to respond.
    *   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try
again in
a few
    *   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's
    *   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or
make sure
          that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

Any other ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 2:21 PM
To: Charles Roper
Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

Well, if it's not a public / private corp's network, it's probably just safe
to comment that back out for the SSL_ports ACL, I suppose.

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> "Charles Roper" <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/29/2010 4:26 PM >>>
The start-up issue is fixed! Thanks. I found "squid" in "/etc/rc.d/init.d"
and updated all references to the new location of the PID file. Worked like
a charm.

Still having trouble accessing sites over untrusted ssl connections though
(https, ports 2087, 2083, 2096, etc.)

I uncommented "http_access deny to_localhost" as you requested. Yes, the
squid box's ip is

I read the acl link you provided. 

I use this box to SSH in and use the proxy server via tunnel. (i.e. I use
putty to connect, and I have a tunnel configured to redirect port 80 traffic
to "localhost:8080")

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:16 PM
To: Charles Roper
Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

You've stated as the below was how you were starting Squid.

[root@maya ~]# /etc/init.d/squid start
Starting squid: ....................                       [FAILED]


Try to see if there is a "/etc/rc.d/init.d" instead, and then edit "squid"
to find where it's looking for the PID file.

Also, please uncomment "http_access deny to_localhost", and I am assuming
that your local network in question is

Recommended Reading about ACL's and http_access controls -- 

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> "Charles Roper" <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/29/2010 2:57 PM >>>
There is no "init.d" folder within the "etc" directory.

Here are my http_access lines:

# http_access deny all
#Recommended minimum configuration:
# Only allow cachemgr access from localhost
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
# Deny requests to unknown ports
http_access deny !Safe_ports
# Deny CONNECT to other than SSL ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
# We strongly recommend the following be uncommented to protect innocent #
web applications running on the proxy server who think the only # one who
can access services on "localhost" is a local user #http_access deny
CLIENTS # Example rule allowing access from your local networks.
# Adapt localnet in the ACL section to list your (internal) IP networks #
from where browsing should be allowed
http_access allow localnet
# And finally deny all other access to this proxy
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 7:14 AM
To: Charles Roper
Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

For the startup issue, edit the /etc/init.d/squid - script and check the PID
file path.  It may not be pointing to the Squid path of /var/log/squid/run,
which I also believe is configurable by /etc/squid/squid.conf.

For the access issue, paste your http_access lines, and please use '#'
comments above each set of lines to be sure.

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> "Charles Roper" <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/28/2010 5:01 PM >>>
Chad - I really appreciate your help. 

I configured ACL as you suggested, uncommented the line you requested, and
Firefox is throwing errors again.

acl Safe_ports port 2087# whm
acl SSL_ports port 2087# whm
acl Safe_ports port 2083# cpanel
acl SSL_ports port 2083# cpanel
acl Safe_ports port 2096# webmail
acl SSL_ports port 2096# webmail

Firefox error:
The connection has timed out
The server at x.x.x.x is taking too long to respond.
    *   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try
again in
a few
    *   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's
    *   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or
make sure
          that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
*That was trying to connect via https over port 2083.

(regarding the commenting out of the !SSL line, is that insecure even though
I'm the only one who will ever be accessing this proxy server?)

Regarding the starting/stopping... I issued the commands you suggested and
deleted PID file.

Although Squid does start, it still reports as "Failed" for some reason. 

[root@maya ~]# ps -aux | grep squid
Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See
root      3671  0.0  0.0   3920   692 pts/0    S+   13:52   0:00 grep
[root@maya ~]# /etc/init.d/squid start
Starting squid: ....................                       [FAILED]
[root@maya ~]# ps -aux | grep squid
Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See
root      3681  0.0  0.1   7952  1128 ?        Ss   13:53   0:00 squid
squid     3683  0.0  0.6  10668  6444 ?        S    13:53   0:00
(squid) -D
squid     3685  0.0  0.0   1520   216 ?        S    13:53   0:00
root      3713  0.0  0.0   3920   692 pts/0    S+   13:58   0:00 grep

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 1:42 PM
To: Charles Roper
Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

Make sure squid is not running, by doing a: "ps -aux | grep squid", and then
delete the PID file.

ALSO, do NOT comment that line out.  Simply add the port(s) that you are
using to the ACL, as opposed to just port 443, by simply adding lines.

Example for Novell's Remote Manager, etc.  By default Squid only allows
selected ports in the same manner.

acl Safe_ports port 8008
acl Safe_ports port 8009
acl SSL_ports port 8009

In your case, I am assuming you should use:

acl SSL_ports port 2096

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> "Charles Roper" <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/28/2010 4:34 PM >>>
Ok, I've upgraded to 2.7 STABLE9, created that directory you mentioned, and
I can get it to start via "# squid start"

For some reason, "# /etc/init.d/squid start" and "# /etc/init.d/squid
restart"  just time out with "FAILED"  ... but at least it's starting now.

I'm also having problems stopping:  

[root@maya ~]# squid stop
2010/12/28 13:24:44| Squid is already running!  Process ID 3333

I think I fixed the "untrusted connection" issue by commenting out the
following line:

http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports

**note, I tried that in v2.6 and it didn't make a difference**

Any ideas on how I can resolve the starting/stopping problems I'm now
experiencing? Thanks!

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 12:16 PM
To: Charles Roper
Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

Looks like the default settings.  Perhaps someone can also chip in some
configuration suggestions, but I do notice that the PID file directory might
not exist, or squid doesn't have access to it.

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> "Charles Roper" <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/28/2010 2:28 PM >>>
Well, with a little help, I was able to update to 2.7, but now I can't start
it. Here is cache.log:
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Starting Squid Cache version 2.7.STABLE9 for
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Process ID 3202
2010/12/28 04:20:12| With 1024 file descriptors available
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Using epoll for the IO loop
2010/12/28 04:20:12| DNS Socket created at, port 53333, FD 6
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2010/12/28 04:20:12| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Referer logging is disabled.
2010/12/28 04:20:12| logfileOpen: opening log /var/log/squid/access.log
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 11
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Swap maxSize 2048000 + 262144 KB, estimated
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Target number of buckets: 8885
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Using 16384 Store buckets
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Max Mem  size: 262144 KB
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Max Swap size: 2048000 KB
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every
3600/3600 sec
2010/12/28 04:20:12| logfileOpen: opening log /var/log/squid/store.log
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Rebuilding storage in /var/spool/squid (DIRTY)
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Using Least Load store dir selection
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Set Current Directory to /var/spool/squid
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Loaded Icons.
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 8080,
FD 13.
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2010/12/28 04:20:12| WCCP Disabled.
2010/12/28 04:20:12| /var/log/squid/run/ (2) No such file or
2010/12/28 04:20:12| WARNING: Could not write pid file
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Ready to serve requests.
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Done reading /var/spool/squid swaplog (747
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2010/12/28 04:20:12|       747 Entries scanned
2010/12/28 04:20:12|         0 Invalid entries.
2010/12/28 04:20:12|         0 With invalid flags.
2010/12/28 04:20:12|       747 Objects loaded.
2010/12/28 04:20:12|         0 Objects expired.
2010/12/28 04:20:12|         0 Objects cancelled.
2010/12/28 04:20:12|         0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2010/12/28 04:20:12|         0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2010/12/28 04:20:12|   Took 0.3 seconds (2547.6 objects/sec).
2010/12/28 04:20:12| Beginning Validation Procedure
2010/12/28 04:20:12|   Completed Validation Procedure
2010/12/28 04:20:12|   Validated 747 Entries
2010/12/28 04:20:12|   store_swap_size = 7200k
2010/12/28 04:20:13| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects

You just want me to copy/paste squid.conf?

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 10:47 AM
To: Charles Roper
Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

Okay, then please simply post the current squid.conf first -- chances are,
it sounds like its not configured correctly, between that, and your browser

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> "Charles Roper" <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/28/2010 1:23 PM >>>
Any advice on how best to do that? This is my first linux box and I created
it precisely to use it as a Squid Proxy. This steep learning curve is kind
of intimidating :/

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 10:05 AM
To: Charles Roper
Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

Okay ... Firstly, you should probably compile an updated version of Squid,
using either the 2.7 or 3.1 branch from, and then
install it.  That version of Squid is probably only current for your install
of CentOS.

Then post your configuration, it should be under /etc/squid, called

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> "Charles Roper" <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/28/2010 12:52 PM >>>
Of course, sorry.

CentOS release 5.5 (Final)

When I try to install the latest stable version using "yum install squid", I
get this:
# yum install squid
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* addons:
* base:
* extras:
* updates:
Setting up Install Process
Package 7:squid-2.6.STABLE21-6.el5.i386 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

Is there another way I should be updating?

Thanks for the reply!

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Naugle [mailto:Chad.Naugle@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 9:48 AM
To: Charles Roper; squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re:  Allow untrusted ssl connections

Can you report back with your version of Squid, and configuration?

Chad E. Naugle
Tech Support II, x. 7981
Travel Impressions, Ltd.

>>> Charles Roper <charlzroper@xxxxxxxxx> 12/28/2010 12:33 PM >>>

I'm using Squid Proxy to access my home network while I'm away from the
house ... I'm running into a bit of trouble with SSL connections.
Using just a plain 'ol connection to the internet, occasionally , Firefox
will warn me of "Untrusted Connection" on certain websites that I visit. I
believe this is due to either invalid SSL certs or self-signed SSL certs.
Either way, I do trust these sites ... some of them are my own! I tell
Firefox that it's ok and it will let me view the sites as normal.

The problem arises when I try to access those same sites through my home
Squid Proxy instead of directly connecting to the internet. When I do that,
Firefox throws a "Problem loading page error" :
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
    *   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try
again in a few

    *   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's

    *   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or
proxy, make sure
          that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

I'm assuming this is a security configuration, but I really need to be able
to access those sites through Squid Proxy.  For years, I've been using
OpenSSH with SpoonProxy (Windows-based) and it worked flawlessly, but this
week I thought I'd make the switch to Squid Proxy to see if I noticed any
improvements. I did notice many speed improvements, and this is the only
problem that I've run into, so I'm hoping you can help me resolve it.

Thanks - look forward to your reply!

- Charles

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