On 24/12/10 13:05, Henrik NordstrÃm wrote:
tor 2010-12-23 klockan 13:56 -0800 skrev Alex Ray:
2010/12/23 13:54:55 kid1| Closing SSL FD 10 as lacking SSL context
in the cache.log, and in a browser bounces between Looking Up and Waiting For.
That means it failed to dynamically generate the cert, and since there
was no default cert assigned by cert= it could not continue.
You should get detailed trace if enabling debug section 33,5
Also; being a brand new feature in beta software. It is best to message
the squid-dev mailing list about a fix.
To me this sounds like either bad permissions on the ssl_crtd storage
area or some problem in the signing cert. If you can confirm its neither
of those then a message to squid-dev is in order to talk with the
feature authors.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.9
Beta testers wanted for