On 18/11/10 22:49, Mikio Kishi wrote:
Hi, Amos
Squid can offer both types. Configure two sets of auth_param in the
order you would prefer them to be used.
I know that.
auth_param ntlm program .....
auth_param basic program .....
The above parameters return the follwoing http reply.
HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
Proxy-Authenticate: NTLM
Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="XXXXXXXXXXX"
It looks ok. But, InternetExplorer8 has never been trying Basic
How can I let IE try Basic auth after NTLM auth failed ?
At the moment you can't, sorry. We don't have any patches of the
feature needed to workaround the bugs in IE8 for this.
If you (or anyone) feels up to coding that feature I can spec out the
requirements and audit the code produced, but don't have time myself yet
to dedicate to it.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.9
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