I have configured Squid to send the log to syslog. I Use the following configuration: access_log syslog squid When squid rotate de log, stop send the log messages to syslog-ng. In syslog-ng I have de following configuration: A program that reads from standard input the line that squid send. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source s_squid { # standard Linux log source (this is the default place for the syslog() # function to send logs to) unix-stream("/dev/log"); }; filter f_squid { program("squid") and match("TCP_|UDP_|ERR_");}; destination d_squid_prog { program("/usr/local/quota" template("$MSGONLY\n") log_fifo_size(50000)); }; log { source(s_squid); filter(f_squid); destination(d_squid_prog); }; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exist another way to read from standard input the squid access_log ? Sorry for my english.