On 01/10/10 03:12, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
On 09/30/2010 08:29 AM, Mr. Issa(*) wrote:
root 12306 0.0 0.0 23484 436 ? Ss Sep26 0:00 squid
squid 12309 2.0 75.9 25875016 25084960 ? Dl Sep26 109:20 \_ (squid)
Hmmm...that does seem like a high amount of memory to be used by squid.
How much data does your site actually consume? Which branch are you
using? Are you making sure not to cache most dynamic parts (for example:
user content pages)?
Squid stores in-transit requests and HTTP data, a memory cache of hot
objects, and a full index of all objects on disk.
The config showed 3x 761GB disks. Going by the 10MB/GB rule of thumb,
thats about 23GB of RAM for the disk cache index. There are also 1.6
million hot objects stored fully in a cache_mem RAM cache of unknown size.
Also note; His *total* avg request rate was 103req/sec. Each of those
req is scanning the 23GB index hash once or twice. If any of it swaps
out of main memory to the swap disk machine performance drops noticeably.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.8
Beta testers wanted for