On 09/29/2010 05:42 AM, Helmut Hullen wrote:
Hallo, Jordon,
Du meintest am 29.09.10:
If you only change the whitelist then it's not necessary to restart
squid. Neither under Ubuntu nor under any other Linux distribution.
For only re-reading the configuration squid needs only
squid -k reconfigure
The proper way to *restart* squid is: service squid restart
Read the title.
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Today I went to add a domain to the whitelist, assumed that the squid
process needed to be restarted,
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The original poster assumed wrong.
squid -k reconfigure
does the job.
Viele Gruesse!
Right, so it shall be, you are wrong too, because you should be using
start-stop-daemon which is more graceful on a Debian system. Not that
you would know that since you are too busy telling people they are
wrong, also the easy way to reload on Debian: sudo service squid3
reload. Go read an init file, k thnxbai.