On Mon, 30 Aug 2010 09:55:48 +0800, "Sharl.Jimh.Tsin" <amoiz.shine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi,everyone > I have a squid proxy server on the front on port 80,and a Cherokee > server with php Interpretator on port 81,squid listen to it. > now,i just wonder that can squid listen to multi-httpd-server on > different port together? such as nginx server on port 82 & lighttpd > server on port 83,my original cherokee server on port 81. "listen" is not a good word here. Squid only "listens" to visiting browsers. To answer your meaning, yes Squid can pass requests on to web servers at once. > > I dispatch the request to the behind server by URL(via regular > expression).For example, bbs.xxx.cn goto cherokee server, blog.xxx.cn > goto lighttpd server etc. > Well,can squid do it? if true,CAN SOMEONE give me a sample > configure,or any useful hyperlink is appreciated.Thanks. http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/Reverse/MultipleWebservers If you meant squid acting as a normal proxy do this, the answer is still yes. Just add the strange ports to your Safe_ports ACL. Amos