Hi, My squid server has a strange behaviour with one website: http://www.01net.com when I do this search on google for instance: 7zip 01 the results sent by google give me www.01net.com at first place, but when i try to click the link i have this error: L'erreur suivante a été rencontrée en essayant d'accéder à l'URL : http://www.01net.com/telecharger/windows/Utilitaire/compression_et_decompression/fiches/4035.html La connexion à www.01net.com a échouée. Le système a retourné : (101) Network is unreachable Whereas If i click on the link gave by the error, I reach the searched page!! Right now it's the only website giving me this error, but I fear to have much more later Thanks to help me to understand what's happening and sorry for my terrible english!!