I have a specialized case where there are some xml config files that are
static -- not returning dynamic info like an rss feed or something.
I tried forcing squid 2.7 to cache these (accelerator mode), but can't seem
to get it to work.
Currently I'm trying:
refresh_pattern -i \.xml$ 2880 80% 14400 override-expire
override-lastmod ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-reload
This is the first refresh pattern and should match. for example these are
the entries in the store.log...
1281553624.015 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 2C3544E359642CCE8719931EEC59536B 304
1281553620 1225808485 -1 text/plain -1/0 GET
1281553664.484 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 9511A5DBA70C624E5DD76FE143AFB909 304
1281553620 1225808485 -1 text/plain -1/0 GET
1281554349.390 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 4DBBD82F76E56E6B938A65898ABC3EDD 304
1281553620 1225808485 -1 text/plain -1/0 GET
1281554413.359 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 8B0D827E31D1D5725CD1EFB828EB9C67 304
1281553620 1225808485 -1 text/plain -1/0 GET
I changed the servername here "to protect the innocent".
If I understand the log correctly, it seems like there is not an expires
header that is parsable, but shouldn't this be ignored given my
refresh_pattern options???
Any pointers are much appreciated.