You're face to face with man who sold the world, Edoardo! 2010/05/22 09:49:57 +0200 Edoardo COSTA SANSEVERINO <edoardo.costa@xxxxxxxxx> => To squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : ECS> >> [WWW] -> KVM/SQUID ->+--> (deb01) vhost running a single https ECS> >> | ECS> >> +--> (deb03) vhosts running multile http and one ECS> >> https ECS> Or are you saying that squid is unable to forward SSL to an internal IP? I made using nginx for this before I knew ssl option for squid-3.1 . At least I couldn't rewrite the https url within squid, it didn't handle this for CONNECT requests. ECS> The link client->squid is not working perfectly. ECS> The link squid->server (via internal IPs) is failing. ECS> ECS> Is squid the tool for me if I want to implement the above setup? What ECS> would you recomend, Squid, mod_proxy, ...? You may want to simulate the same error case by mean of command-line 'openssl' tool, with its 's_connect' or 's_client' comand and its options concerning tls version, etc. 73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB 12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627) --