tor 2010-05-20 klockan 07:52 +0000 skrev GIGO .: > Does squid_kerb_auth & squid_kerb_ldap work fine in squid 2.7 like squid 3.x. Yes. > > ./configure *...*--enable-basic-auth-helpers="LDAP" --enable-auth="basic,negotiate,ntlm" --enable-external-acl-helpers="wbinfo_group,ldap_group" --enable-negotiate-auth-helpers="squid_kerb_auth" Looks reasonable to me. > One more question is that i not mentioned squid_kerb_ldap here is it being covered through --enable-external-acl-helpers=ldap_group ??? squid_kerb_ldap is not (yet) included in the Squid distribution and need to be compiled separately. Regards Henrik