Amos Jeffries wrote:
Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac wrote:
Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac wrote:
Amos Jeffries wrote:
GIGO . wrote:
Hi all,
Can anybody please explain me what does this error mean and why it
occurs it happens while i was testing youtube/facebook caching.
Does this suggest that some object in cache has corrupted? if so
how to rectify the error?
"204" ? not sure.
I would expect all negative hits to be 4xx or 5xx codes.
TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT is an web server error page which has been
explicitly marked as cacheable by its website being fetched from
your cache.
It would only be a problem with your squid if you have negative_ttl
set to something higher than 0 seconds.
Is this error only means that user has aborted the transfer or it
may come for some other reason as well.
TCP_MISS/000 is sometimes a problem, sometimes not. It means that
Squid does not have the object cached and could not fetch any bytes
from a web server for it. May be due to the only-if-cached browser
control being sent to Squid, a persistent connection closing early,
or a network failure.
Hi Amos and others. There is any documentation about these resquest
status that shown up in access.log? Are this status some kind of
squid internals or they are predefined open-and-well-known
standards? I'd like to read about it. Tks in advance.
Sorry, just found in the FAQ. But the second question remains: these
status are squid internal or a well known standard? Tks.
The text part before the / is Squid internal codes.
The numeric is RFC 2616 (HTTP) status coding.
Tks, i'll give a read.