Hi there,
There are a lot of issues at the moment with FireFox 3.x.x
It has issues in so many areas, especially with some java applets
I would investigate that if I were you.
I could well be a Firefox problem rather than a Squid issue.
Try and use Firefox from somewhere else and see what happens
----- Original Message -----
From: "Diego" <galle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 6:23 PM
Subject: weird problem with gmail, firefox and squid 2.7
Hi List,
I am having a weird problem with gmail.
When I tried to load the gmail page using firefox 3.5.x and squid 2.7.7 the
login form of the page does not appear.
If I use IE it works, regardless the squid version.
If I use Firefox 2.X it works, regardless the squid version.
If I use firefox 3.5.x and Squid 2.6.6 it works.
This only happens with firefox 3.5.x and squid 2.7.7.
Any help ?