Hi This probably isn't a squid issue - but ever since I installed and set-up squid, my system is sending me mail at log rotate time like: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate: 2010/05/05 07:35:20.152| aclParseUserList: parsing user list 2010/05/05 07:35:20.152| aclParseUserList: parsing user list 2010/05/05 07:35:20.206| ACL::Prototype::~Prototype: TODO: unregister me 2010/05/05 07:35:20.206| ACL::Prototype::............................ And so on for 50 odd lines. I can't find anything in /etc/cron.daily/logrotate or in /etc/cron.daily/0anacron or in /etc/cron.daily/ or in /var/log/ that would cause this - and Google also seems never to have heard of it. Is this something I've done wrong? Simon