Hello All,
I have posted this already but haven't seen any reply
I am using Squid3.0
Only one SSH account works in my entire netwoirk, I can only access the SSH
that is running on the same machine as the Squid
Despite the fact I forward requets to all other SSH servers in my network
absolutely no access whatsoever
Before I installed Squid3.0 I could access every host's ssh server, but not
since no matter what I do I simply cannot access the back end SSH servers
Does anyone knows of any secret way of working around this please, as it's
not very practical not to be able to access the other machines remotely
Any ideas of what I need to do please?
I can't think of anything more, I have allowed the access to those ports on
my Squid config on my linkSys router but impossible to connect to the server
Any help would be much appreciated