hi, i have little background in squid so i cant really describe how each of the features of squid should perform when told to run while in offline mode or in disconnected mode. im sorry i didnt see the reply in the wad of messages i get from squidusers which is why i was a little late in replying. i sent a message to another mail address and got this reply from henrik: Found that patch in the internet archive.. http://web.archive.org/web/20030816133415/www.anthill.echidna.id.au/~dancer/patches/squid-tristate-offline-patch-1.0.txt This is my earlier response: http://www.mail-archive.com/squid-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/msg02171.html Regards Henrik amos, my first message was not sent to squidusers, so i am sending again. CB. _________________________________________________________________ Looking for a new home? With all the latest places, searching has never been easier. http://clk.atdmt.com/NMN/go/157631292/direct/01/