On a compiled squid3 stable24. I am unable to run squid as root in Ubuntu. So the cache_effective_user defined in squid.conf never comes into play. Is this a security concern? what good is cache_effective_user for? Is it right to run squid with the default ubuntu user one has installed the OS? On ubuntu there lies another user proxy(13) having group proxy? For what purpose this user exist if this has any relation with squid? Startup scripts in etc/init.d run with root privilege on system startup? however my startup script never succeeds because permission is denied to run squid as root? is there a way to fix this issue. please if somebody enlighten me about these concepts i would be really thankful as unable to get this concept right myself. regards, _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969