Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
fre 2010-03-12 klockan 16:27 +0100 skrev Dieter Bloms:
on the side http://squid.sourceforge.net/follow_xff/
there is a patch to follow the X-Forwarded-For ips.
It is generated against the squid3 devel (I think 3.1) and doesn't
apply to the squid3.0.STABLE24 source.
I don't think there is a 3.0 patch for this.
But the feature is fully integrated in the 3.1 release. IF you need it
then my recommendation is to get Squid-3.1 instead.
Correct on both counts.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE8 or 3.0.STABLE24
Current Beta Squid