I've tested gzip/ecap/squid but, haven't got any luck with ecap enabled on option. I notice squid keeps restarting itself when running with the ecap/gzip option. I don't know if is a config error or what but, I've tested with several 3.1 releases and same happens with all the test. --- On Tue, 2/23/10, Henrik Nordström <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > From: Henrik Nordström <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Subject: Re: GZIP and Squid on a high performance website? > To: "Gerrit Berkouwer" <gerritberkouwer@xxxxxxxxx> > Cc: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 3:43 PM > mån 2010-02-22 klockan 21:31 +0100 > skrev Gerrit Berkouwer: > > > Can this be done with Apache? So let Apache do the > GZIP and serve > > Squid this gzipped file? Without the eCAP module? > > Apache handles content negotiation very well, much better > than dynamic > gzip:ing. It works on static files simply by having two > copies of the > file, one .gz and one uncompressed... > > But you need to make sure your authoring system updates > both.. > > Regards > Henrik > >