I'd like to make squid pass requests to pound, but i'm getting an error: "The requested URL could not be retrieved" (http://pastebin.org/95395). The squid access log says ""1266857413.088 0 TCP_DENIED/400 2212 GET NONE:// - NONE/- text/html My squid config is the default /etc/squid/squid.conf (Squid 2.7, installed as Ubuntu package), with just one extension: cache_peer parent 28085 0 no-query originserver name=pound_viva cache_peer_domain pound_viva .localviva.nl (http://pastebin.org/95397) The localviva.nl domain is faked in my /etc/hosts. Apache has a VirtualHost for it, which redirects to squid at port 3128. A pound server is listening on localhost:28085. I can reach pound directly through http, but squid fails to relay to it. I read http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/TroubleShooting, but found nothing on "TCP_DENIED" or "The requested URL could not be retrieved". I must be missing something really basic here, like a permission setting. Could someone please help me out? Kees