Hi there. I'm using OpenBSD 4.6 with squid, squidclamav and squidGuard
and I've problem with squidGuard. After several hours of work,
squidGuard processes become zombies. Then to avoid this problem I'm
trying to create my redirector. It is a simple redirector, read from
stdin, controls if the url is not blacklisted and then write on stdout
(a few lines of code). Then, when I concatenate squidclamav with my
redirector, all works fine but squidclamav does not perform any scan on
files. (test on eicar.com). Squid + squidclamav works, and also squid +
my redirector.
Another issue is: I've tried to get the same behaviour with a multiple
redirector with "wrapzap", and they works fine, my redirector redirect
blacklisted url, and squidclamav perform a scan.
Anyone can help me whit this strange behaviour, please?
Maybe the problem is the request's form? my redirector get a request
from squid on this form:
http://www.google.it/ - GET - myip= myport=3128
and then I write this request on stdout. If I try to write this request
without myip and myport it does not perform any request. It's a normal
Thanks in advance