fulan Peng wrote:
Hi, Squid gurus!
I am struggling to set up Squid for facebook. At www.facebook.com ,
when you click login it will go to https://login.facebook.com. After
successful login, it will go back to www.facebook.com. I used Apache
mod_proxy_html rewrite the url, but still it won't work. Now I am
trying to use Squid to cache all subdomains of facebook in https. Any
hint or suggestion will be appreciated!
Dear fulan Peng,
what do you expect will happen to your customers when they attempt to
login to their facebook account and get back a session ID for someone
elses account?
Or better yet, when they see someone elses purchase receipt after
entering their own credit card details?
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE8 or 3.0.STABLE24
Current Beta Squid