Hi, i havw found that if i set this refresh pattern with 1 minute min. time "refresh_pattern .aspx 1 100% 1 override-expire override-lastmod reload- into-ims ignore-reload ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth" Squid doesn't cache .aspx page If i put min. time to 2 minutes: "refresh_pattern .aspx 2 100% 2 override-expire override-lastmod reload- into-ims ignore-reload ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth" Squid work fine and caches .aspx page. This is true for every type of object (.htm, .jpg, .png) I didn't try with other object I want to cache .aspx objects for only 1 minute and refresh it after 1 minute. So i don't known if my istruction is correct. Can you help me? Thank you in advance Ernatalo