Momo wrote:
Hi Folks, I was recently asked to put some transparent authentication on our corporate web access. As the server that does the authentication and access log job is off site, it has been decided to put a Squid proxy server beetween the clients this proxy to have some site local cache. Below is the setup I try to achieve: Client ---> Squid ---> NTLM enabled proxy ---> Internet Trying to set this up, i found that it was not possible to simply pass the auth info from the client to the NTLM enabled parent proxy (like with login=PASS option)
Squid 2.6, 2.7 and 3.1 should support pass through NTLM authentication (to a web server or parent proxy). 3.0 will not.
I tried using cntlmd or ntlmaps , but these would only proxy the authentication mechanism as one user, so the parent proxy would log all requests as coming from one unic user. I was wondering if there was any way, simple or not, to get squid forwarding auth info without having authentications requests on the end-user side? Thanks for your help. Momo