Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
sön 2009-09-13 klockan 18:30 -0400 skrev Dhyan Mishra, Contractor, Code
I use WCCPv2 configurations as I did in the previous 3.0. However,
it does not send a single packet to the router. I compiled with
the same options enabling wccp
That is a known bug when not having any cache_dir. Sould be fixed in the
nightly snapshots, or you can work around it by adding a dummy caxhe_dir
line. As you are using chcae deny all then it won't get used.
The patch is not quite in the 3.1/3.0 snapshots yet. Only in HEAD
pending someone to confirm that it works on the earlier releases...
The workaround if you can't patch, test and confirm that it works is to
turn off store_rebuild_wait.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE19
Current Beta Squid