am using ubuntu. The browser displays "The following error was encounterd Unable to determine IP address from hostname for the dnsserver returned : DNS Domain '' is invalid. Host not found (authoritative) This means that The cache was unable to resolve the the hostname presentedin the URL" On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:09 PM, Kevin Kimani<kevinkimani@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > am using ubuntu. > > The browser displays "The following error was encounterd > Unable to determine IP address from hostname for > the dns" > > On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Henrik > Nordstrom<henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: >> ons 2009-09-09 klockan 11:24 +0300 skrev Kevin Kimani: >> >>> This is the error message am getting from access.log. >>> 1252483940.606 2 TCP_MISS/503 1660 GET >>> - DIRECT/ text/html >> >> What error do you get in the browser (disable "show friendly error >> message" is using MSIE) >> >> Regards >> Henrik >> >> >