Henrik Nordstrom schrieb:
tis 2009-08-18 klockan 17:09 +0200 skrev Tom Penndorf:
i trying to configure squid with chroot. When i start squid, i get the
following error message:
FATAL: MIME Config Table on//etc/squid3/mime.conf: (2) No such file or
Squid Cache (Version 3.0.STABLE15): Terminated abnormally.
The file exists. Does someone know, which dir is used for chroot?
What do you mean?
The directory Squid should chroot to is specified in the chroot
Ah, now I understand. Yes the documentation for the chroot directive is
a little fuzzy. It takes a directory argument where Squid should chroot
itself, not on/off..
Ahh, ok, that makes sense. Do you know, where to find a list of required
files in the chroot-directory for squid?