> > > This causes the Cisco router to redirect the response to the other > > > Squid server which just drops it. > mån 2009-08-17 klockan 10:42 +0200 skrev Matus UHLAR - fantomas: > > I think that is a bad configuration on DNS or your network. On 17.08.09 23:43, Henrik Nordstrom wrote: > No. It's a natural consequence of TPROXY+WCCPv2 balancing based on > requested IP, with separate DNS lookups done by the client & Squid. You > can limit some of it by DNS server hackery to implement IP pinning in > the DNS server but not eleminate it. AHa, I missed the part with load balancing on destination IP. Yes, that is the reason. > The workaround is simple, but not without drawbacks.. don't balance on > the destination IP, balance on the client IP instead. and configure squids to behave as siblings with proxy-only option, so the same content won't be duplicated on them. > The solution is to extend Squid to connect to the requested IP on > intercepted requests, but requires some extra validations to avoid cache > poisoning. doable imho. -- Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@xxxxxxxxxxx ; http://www.fantomas.sk/ Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address. Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu. 2B|!2B, that's a question!