mån 2009-08-17 klockan 03:45 -0400 skrev hdyugoplastika hdyugoplastika: ' > access.log on 2.7STABLE6-1 > xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [12/Aug/2009:11:48:41 +0200] "POST https://webmail.XXXxxxxx.it/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?User=USER1&DeviceId=IMEIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&DeviceType=IMEIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&Cmd=Sync HTTP/1.1" 417 2033 TCP_MISS:NONE/- 417 is epectation failed. The client probably sent a "Expect: 100-continue" which Squid can not fulfill (yet) and did not expect that expectation to be rejected. Have seen this before, and there is a workaround.. ignore_expect_100 on very non-compliant, but helps when dealing with those broken clients who are sending expectation indications and not expecting those to fail.. Regards Henrik