Hi, I have one little problem with squid. I use squid now as configured manually, but can't force it to work in transparent mode. My whole config is: 1. network {internet} -> router cisco 2821 (with 2 vlans) -> switch -> client is on vlan 201, squid is on vlan 2 2. cisco config: FastEthernet0/0 is external interface with direct connection to the Internet, with external IP address ( is fake), FastEthernet0/1.201 is vlan interface with all clients, FastEthernet0/1.2 is vlan interface with squid machine in it ip wccp web-cache ip cef interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address ip nat outside ip virtual-reassembly duplex auto speed auto interface FastEthernet0/1.2 encapsulation dot1Q 201 ip address ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly no ip mroute-cache no snmp trap link-status interface FastEthernet0/1.201 encapsulation dot1Q 201 ip address ip wccp web-cache redirect out ip wccp web-cache redirect in ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly no ip mroute-cache no snmp trap link-status 3. network config on machine with squid iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway 4. squid config wccp2_router wccp2_forwarding_method 1 wccp2_return_method 1 wccp2_service standard 0 access_log /var/log/squid3/access.log http_port 3128 transparent acl blocksites url_regex "/etc/squid3/blocked-sites.acl" http_access deny blocksites 5. iptables config $iptables -F $iptables -X $iptables -F -t nat $iptables -F -t mangle $iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wccp0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --$ 6. tunnel config /sbin/ip tunnel add wccp0 mode gre remote local dev eth0; /sbin/ifconfig wccp0 netmask up /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.wccp0.rp_filter=0 ; /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0 ; Now, the problem. If I configure manually proxy on client all is working fine. When I remove the proxy configuration from the browser, then I cannot access any webpage. I did some debug, and when I run tccpdump for wccp0 interface, and try to access some webpage on client (squid in transparent mode) then I see that some packets on the wccp0 interface, but no page is loading. Also on cisco router, when I run: sh ip wccp web-cache i get: Global WCCP information: Router information: Router Identifier: Protocol Version: 2.0 Service Identifier: web-cache Number of Cache Engines: 1 Number of routers: 1 Total Packets Redirected: 2089 Process: 116 Fast: 0 CEF: 1973 Redirect access-list: -none- Total Packets Denied Redirect: 0 Total Packets Unassigned: 139 Group access-list: -none- Total Messages Denied to Group: 0 Total Authentication failures: 0 Total Bypassed Packets Received: 0 and when I run: sh ip wccp web-cache detail i get: WCCP Cache-Engine information: Web Cache ID: Protocol Version: 2.0 State: Usable Initial Hash Info: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Assigned Hash Info: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Hash Allotment: 256 (100.00%) Packets Redirected: 5 Connect Time: 05:42:44 Bypassed Packets Process: 0 Fast: 0 CEF: 0 So, please help me set this up as transparent proxy. Thanks in advance, Slawek