Hello, I'm trying to set up a pilot to replace proprietary caches in schools. Because of training issues with on-site technicians I'm kinda stuck with using Windows but would like to use Squid. Stumbling block 1 - I've not been able to find any documentation on Kerberos authentication by Squid for Windows (just on *nix), can anyone point me in the right direction? Ideally I would want to be able to authenticate on a group level so site technicians just move accounts into/out of a group to allow or deny access. Also, is there a way to add whitelists regardless so pupils can be banned from the internet yet still access resources needed for lessons? Stumbling block 2 - Is there any way to automate pre-caching of specific large sites to be nibbled overnight, ready for the next day? This is a much used feature of the existing caches. Thanks in advance for any pointers, if I can get this working it will be a major incursion of open source into an MS-only bastion and possibly save me from going crazy in the midst of faceless suits>_< Holly xx _________________________________________________________________ Celebrate a decade of Messenger with free winks, emoticons, display pics, and more. http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/157562755/direct/01/