Chris Robertson wrote:
a bv wrote:
On a squid on Redhat EL , syslog-ng is installed and while also squid
is logging on the local itself also its configured to send the logs
also to an other syslog-ng server. I dont know if it begin from the
begiing of this sys-logng and other configuration , it seems that now
also on the squid server send the logs also to the its
/var/log/messages file. After commenting the syslog-ng servers related
config on squid configuration file it stopped sending to var/log
mesages. How and why this var/log/mesaages thing happened any idea?
"rpm -q --changelog squid" will give you the documentation available for
the changes made to the RPM. Run that command through "less" or "grep"
to search for any mention of "syslog".
Squid (as distributed from exclusively uses it's own
logging routines.
He said it was explicitly configured to log to syslog. Which Squid can do.
Echoing certain information levels (critical etc) to local messages file
is one of the things syslog-ng does unless configured not to AFAIK. I
suspect something changed during an upgrade of either Squid (maye higher
levels?) or syslog-ng (maybe replaced/altered the orginal config).
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE16
Current Beta Squid