> On squidGuard you can also set if you want a AD group not to apply the > squidguard rules, for example a privilege group sould be something like: > > src privilegio > { > ldapusersearch > ldap://ADServer:3268/dc=XX,dc=XX?sAMAccountName?sub?(&(memberof=CN=G_5_NAV_Privilegio%2cOU=Grupos%20Comunes%2cOU=USUARIOS%2cDC=xx%2cDC=xx)(sAMAccountName=%s))?bindname=cn=XXXXXXXX%2cOU=Grupos%20Comunes%2cOU=USUARIOS%2cDC=xx%2cDC=xx,x-bindpass=xxxxx I see ldap://ADServer:3268. Is this valid even if I don't have a Windows 2003 PDC but I have a Samba PDC server (on the same Linux server)? Another question for you: do you advise me to use Squidguard or Dansguardian?