On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 09:23:36 -0300, "Juan Manuel Perrote" <jperrote@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hello: > > I have a problem with a cache squid, squid not generate files on the cache > dir. > > * I have a squid as a reverse proxy. > * My version of squid is 3.0.RC1. > * On the cache dir structure I have a lot of directories, but all are > empty. > * The cache dir have 777 permissions on all structure > * The store log have a content like these > 1245151352.631 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 289A075B563E3C64D402EB58150B4B28 304 > 1245151388 -1 -1 text/html 0/0 GET > http://extranet.p/i/1px_trans.gif > 1245151442.021 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF E26713FA0492A44B9DB8DD9E9A472615 200 > 1245151475 -1 -1 text/html 34223/34223 GET > http://extranet.p/prod/apex/f? > 1245151444.920 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF C9251F1B9EC4A88A0EC41EFDFA014A35 404 > 1245151480 -1 -1 text/html 328/328 GET > http://extranet.p/prod/apex/blank.gif > 1245151470.982 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF DE94CD1480F08E3361199B0F762C2173 200 > 1245151504 -1 -1 text/html 34184/34184 GET > http://extranet.p/prod/apex/f? > 1245151474.116 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 1EACA84E18C97E2E964185A85B4EACC0 404 > 1245151510 -1 -1 text/html 328/328 GET > http://extranet.p/prod/apex/blank.gif > 1245151499.351 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 44A1536A48A6290890D5E3331C4B9B9A 200 > 1245151533 -1 -1 text/html 34142/34142 GET > http://extranet.p/prod/apex/f? > 1245151501.805 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 76DBCDF798B911EC157E388F2280843B 404 > 1245151537 -1 -1 text/html 328/328 GET > http://extranet.p/prod/apex/blank.gif > 1245151520.811 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 64C9C1BB78A21DE890D65D654836BDFF 200 > 1245151554 -1 -1 text/html 34221/34221 GET > http://extranet.p/prod/apex/f? > 1245151523.960 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 2C115C9A2730865E874723F05BC13994 404 > 1245151560 -1 -1 text/html 328/328 GET > http://extranet.p/prod/apex/blank.gif > > * My operating system is Ubuntu 8.04 LTS > * Squid is working fine since 1 years > * We have a average of 180 users per day > > Juan Manuel Perrote Please upgrade: apt-get update apt-get install squid3 OR: rebuild from current 3.0 sources. Ubuntu version Upstream version karmic development 3.0.STABLE13-1 jaunty current 3.0.STABLE8-3 intrepid supported 3.0.STABLE7-1ubuntu1 hardy supported 3.0.STABLE1-1ubuntu1 http://www.squid-cache.org/Advisories/ Note the top three. Current official Ubuntu releases have been patched to close all advisories. Amos