Benjamin Fleckenstein wrote:
Hi there,
I've tried to set up a connection from a Squid Proxy (Version 2.6.STABLE10) to our AD Server (Windows 2003 Server). I've already tried several commands but there always appears an error. I already checked different forums and manuals but I don't get the connection to work.
For testing the connection I've tried the following command:
./squid_ldap_auth -R -b "dc=my,dc=domain" -D "cn=username,dc=my,dc=domain" -w "password" -f sAMAccountName=%s -h <<hostname>>:389
username password
squid_ldap_auth: WARNING, could not bind to binddn 'Invalid credentials'
ERR Invalid credentials
The user and password is correct.
The Wiki shows different options used when querying a Win2k3 server:
I'd suggest trying...
./squid_ldap_auth -v 3 -b "dc=my,dc=domain" -D "cn=username,ou=Generic
User Accounts,dc=my,dc=domain" -w "password" -f sAMAccountName=%s -h
...or just going with the Windows AD authentication:
I've installed the ADSnapshot Tool to test if the user is able to quering the ldap server. That works!
Does anybody has an idea why I always get that error and what I could try to bring this to work? Could it be a bug or is there something wrong with my query?
For any help any ideas I would be thankful!