Is the issue that they complain you aren't allowed to view content due
to location?
If so, what you want to do is prevent the X-Forwarded-For header from
being sent by using the header_access ACL.
To disable sending it for any site use: header_access X-Forwarded-For
deny all
To do it for just those sites you listed, change the "all" to the acl
name you want to use (in your example, "directurls", but I'd change that).
Jamie Orzechowski wrote:
I am trying to avoid using iptables to bypass some sites which have
issues with squid.
I have created the following but the sites are still broken ... any
ideas how to force these sites to go direct?
acl directurls url_regex "/etc/squid3/direct-urls"
cache deny directurls
Contents of /etc/squid3/direct-urls