Oleg wrote:
Ya, is what I need! Thank you.
Amos Jeffries пишет:
Oleg wrote:
Can Squid redirect user's request to another URL on browser concordance?
For example, if user use MSIE < 6.0 redirect him to page with browser
update from IT site page.
I'm found only access rules for browser string (User-Agent), but not
I mean.
I'd use a custom deny_info redirect for this.
acl msie6 browser .. <whatever the pattern for IE6 is> ...
deny_info http://example.com/meis_update.html msie6
http_access deny msie6
PS. putting my web developers hat on;
please, please bump them to IE 7 :)
IE6 is a royal pain in the visuals. 7 is at least a bit better.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE14
Current Beta Squid