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Re: Squid BUG?

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On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 14:58:22 +1200 (NZST), "Amos Jeffries"
<squid3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As a side issue: know who the maintainer is for slackware? I'm trying to
> get in touch with them all.

Sorry, here Squid was build from sources. The distro maintainer and more
info (does not provide a binary Squid package) can be found here: (I'm still waiting for an official 64 bits Slackware

>>>  does deleting the swap.state file(s) when squid is stopped fix things?

Apparently yes:

/dev/sdb1             276G  225G   37G  87% /var/cache/proxy/cache1
/dev/sdc1             276G  225G   53G  87% /var/cache/proxy/cache2
/dev/sdd1             276G  225G   37G  87% /var/cache/proxy/cache3
/dev/sde1             276G  225G   37G  87% /var/cache/proxy/cache4

It's running OK again.

Now, another strange log:

2009/04/21 00:26:25| commonUfsDirRebuildFromDirectory: Swap data buffer
length is not sane.

Should I decrease cache_dir sizes?

>> The stranger think was store rebuild reporting > 100%.
> Yes, we have seen a similar thing long ago in testing. I'm trying to
> remember and research what came of those. At present I'm thinking maybe
> had something to do with 32-bit/64-bit changes in distro build vs what
> cache was built with.

Similar logs found here about memory usage (via mallinfo):

Total in use:          1845425 KB 173%

and sometimes negative values:

total space in arena:  -1922544 KB
Ordinary blocks:       -1922682 KB     49 blks

Total in use:          -1139886 KB 59%


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