Julien P. wrote:
Hi Amos,
sorry for the late reply. I tried many configurations and none succeeded.
The best result that I got is that the website is able to detect my
current ip, but still uses the proxy's one to make the localization.
(I am using http://www.mon-ip.com to check if my configuration is working or
I also tried plenty of websites, in order to check whether it is
important or not to show the user's IP. Unfortunately, a lot of
website do use the Ip to render the website in different languages.
The best example would be all the Google websites (google.com,
youtube.com, etc ...). They all render the website in French (as my
server is based over there) even if I am currently in San Francisco
For google. You can use a redirector to move the users to the relevant
ccTLD *.co.uk etc yourself instead of letting google do it.
for others I'm not sure.
So I could really need to find a work around for that as I don't want to
setup a server in each country for each user :). Do you have any idea,
or is it just impossible ?
Also, to make everything clear, if I don't want to have anonymising
turned on, I should not put "via off" and "forwarded_for off" in my
config file. Right ?
Yes you should have them both turned ON.
Thank you so much for your daily contributions,
Sent from San Francisco, California, United States
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 3:29 AM, Amos Jeffries <squid3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Julien P. wrote:
Hi there,
I wasn't able to find any information on a non anoymous proxy server...
I'm running one squid server for many people located in different
places/countries and I'm running into several issues.
For example: Their language is not well recognized on some websites
because of their hidden Ip address, and some minor stuff based on the
IP address...
So that's why I would like to know if there is a way to setup squid as
a proxy, but not an anonymous one ...
Thank you all for your answer.
The default operations of Squid are non-anonymous.
Check that you have not enabled anonymising settings by turning "via off" and "forwarded_for off".
With those working, any brokenness is failure at the remote sites to understand proxy HTTP headers correctly.
BTW: language settings of websites should be keyed on the Accept-Language: header not IP address. That is more signs of broken websites.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE13
Current Beta Squid
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE14
Current Beta Squid