On Apr 17, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
Chris Woodfield wrote:
We've noticed that when a request is sent that has multiple byte
ranges in the Range: header, the behavior is not what one would
If one requests multiple byte ranges that are sequential and do not
overlap (i.e. Range: bytes=1-20,30-50), the response is the
expected 206 Partial Content with the requested data returned.
However, if one were to request multiple ranges that are either non-
sequential (i.e. Range: bytes=30-50,1-20), or are overlapping
(Range: bytes=1-30,20-50), the Range: header is ignored completely,
and the entire object is returned with a standard 200 OK response.
While neither of the above requests seems sensible or advisable, I
cannot find anything in the relevant RFCs that explicitly prohibit
Range: requests of this type.
Now what's interesting is that I tested this behavior against my
own squids, but then tested it against a URL on flickr.com, which
per the response headers is running the same 2.7STABLE6 we run.
When querying those servers, I did not notice the behavior.
URLs that can be tested -
curl -o /dev/null -v -H "Range: bytes=20-30,1-10" http://cdn.semihuman.com/images/testtext.txt
Not Broken:
curl -o /dev/null -v -H "Range: bytes=20-30,1-10" http://farm1.static.flickr.com/64/226228060_c88ba6cf6b_b.jpg
So is this something that flickr has fixed in their private branch,
or is there a config option I'm missing to support this?
Also check what your backend server does when given that type of
range request. If its returning just the ranges squid will do so as
well. If its returning the 200 full object, squid will pass that on
too, though sometimes it should not.
Just checked this; my backend server (apache 2.2) returns the correct
partial content with these types of headers. I have range_offset_limit
configured, so for these objects, any range request will result in a
non-ranged request to the backend.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE14
Current Beta Squid