Dear Squid users. I've wrote a external ACL helper in perl connecting to a database to check if a authenticated users is still within his/her quota. Currently it's 2 separate perl scripts one for basic authentication and the other for NTLM. For the basic external helper I pass the %{Proxy-Authorization} format to the script. Then base64 decode it to get the value of the ALREADY authenticated user. This external ACL helper will only work if the user was authenticated from a previously called auth helper. So why don't I pass %LOGIN to the script ? Because if I pass %LOGIN squid will automatically think it's an external auth helper which in this case it's not. It will still work but squid will infinitely prompt the user on a ERR return from the helper. Only when the user press cancel he/she will get my custom err page which say "QUOTA EXCEEDED". This is not a good idea because the user will think it's the authentication that failed and not the quota. For NTLM authentication I can not afford to pass the %{Proxy-Authorization} to the script because it will take way to much resources to decode it :-) I can't pass %LOGIN because of the same behavior as the above problem with basic authentication. I've seen that squid 3 stable 18 does have additional formats for external helpers. I thought %EXT_USER will do the trick but that will only have a value if the external auth help return OK user=. So my question is how do I get the value of a already NTLM authenticated user to be pass to my external acl helper ? Without using %LOGIN and still make use of the buildin NTLM auth helper, or if I can disable the infinite prompt behavior when passing %LOGIN will also do. A simple example. external_acl_type InQuota %{???????} Regards Bartel Viljoen ----------------------------------------------------------------- Network & Computing Consultants Tel: 0861-555444 | Fax: 0861-555445 This e-mail is subjected to a disclaimer that can be viewed at: Email Managed by MailXServer - -----------------------------------------------------------------